संस्कृत सुभाषित

सुभाषित (सु+भाषित = सुन्दर ढंग से कही गयी बात) ऐसे शब्द-समूह, वाक्य या अनुच्छेदों को कहते हैं जिसमें कोई बात सुन्दर ढंग से या बुद्धिमत्तापूर्ण तरीके से कही गयी हो। सुवचन, सूक्ति, अनमोल वचन, आदि शब्द भी इसके लिये प्रयुक्त होते हैं।

संस्कृत सुभाषित - भाग १३


कस्यचित् किमपि नो हरणीयं मर्मवाक्यमपि नोच्चरणीयम् |
श्रीपते: पदयुगं स्मरणीयं लीलया भवजलं तरणीयम् ||

One should never steal others belongings. One should never utter a harsh word about another person (especially something which exposes his deficiencies). One should think about holy feet of Vishnu (one shold worship Vishnu from heart). If one does this, he can attain moksha easily.


बुधाग्रे न गुणान् ब्रूयात् साधु वेत्ति यत: स्वयम् |
मूर्खाग्रेपि च न ब्रूयाद्धुधप्रोक्तं न वेत्ति स: ||

Do not tell your good qualities to a wise person, he will know them or will find them out. Also, do not tell your good qualities to an idiot person, because he will not be able to undertand them. One does not need to advertise himself Those who can appreciate your qualities, will find out by themselves. Others are not worth paying attention, as they can not understand your greatness. The current era of advertisement (actually, advertising more than what one has) gives exactly opposite message. But our culture, since ancient times, believe in this subhashita. There is more emphasis on 'doing' rather than 'telling' what you did.


के-शवं पतितं दॄष्ट्वा पाण्डवा हर्षनिर्भरा: |
रूदन्ति कौरवा: सर्वे हा हा के-शव के-शव ||

Hold your breath, if you have tried interpreting this shloka !! Correct interpretation of words is of great importance in Sanskrit language!

Notice that ke and shava have been separated. The word "ka" means water (among several other meanings). Hence ke means ‘in water’. pANDava also means fish and kaurava also means crow. Hence the interpretation is : Seeing the corpse (shava) fallen in water, the fish were overjoyed. All the crows, however, started crying .. " O the corpse in water !!"


गुरोरप्यवलिप्तस्य कार्याकार्यमजानत: |
उत्पथं प्रातिपन्नस्य न्याय्यं भवति शासनम् ||


A preceptor or an elderly person, if puffed up with pride,if unable to discriminate between the proper and improper thing to be done, and has taken to a wrong path, punishment in his case is just. (No need to feel the 'weight' of the past greatness of that person!)


यद्यद् राघव संयाति महाजनसपर्यया |
दिनं तदेव सालोकं शेषास्त्वन्धदिनालया: ||

O descendant of raghu, whatever day is spent in the service of great men, that is a real day. Other days are the abode of darkness, (even though there is day-light they are wasted. They do not deserve to be termed a day).


यमो वैवस्वतो राजा यस्तवैष )दि स्थित: |
तेन चेदविवादस्ते मा गंगा मा कुरून् व्राज ||

If you are not at variance with (i.e have no difference of opinion with ) God Yama, the son of Vivasvat, who dwells in your heart, you need not either visit the Ganges nor go to the (holy) land of kurus (for expiration of your sins).


किम् कुलेन विशालेन विद्याहीनस्य देहिन: |
अकुलीनोऽपि विद्यावान् देवैरपि सुपूज्यते ||

What is use of a person who is born in high clan (vishAla kula ) but is devoid of Knowledge (VidhyAhIna) . (i.e. how does it matter even if a person is born in respected family, if he is devoid of knowledge).If a person is knowledgeable, then he is worshipped even by Gods, even if he is born in a low clan.


पत्रं नैव यदा करीरविटपे दोषो वसन्तस्य किम् नोलूकोऽप्यवलोकते यदि दिवा सूर्यस्य किं दूषणम् धारा नैव पतन्ति चातकमुखे मेघस्य किं दूषणम् यत् पूर्वं विधिना ललाटलिखितं तन्मार्जितुं क: क्षम: ऽऽ

KarIr tree ( a leafless tree that is found in deserts) does not blossom (even during Spring); how is the Spring responsible for that? Can you blame the Sun, for the Owl can not see during the day ? The cloud can not be blamed if the rain water does not fall in the beak of Chatak bird (a bird who supposedly drinks only the rain water that falls into his beak). Who can change (erasee) the fate (written on one's forehead) ?


यथा हि पथिक: कश्चित् छायामाश्रित्य तिष्ठति |
विश्रम्य च पुनर्गच्छेत् तद्वद् भूतसमागम: ||


As a certain traveller remains under a shade (of some tree) and having refreshed himself again goes on (his journey), so does the company of living beings.


यदीच्छसि वशीकर्तुंं जगदेकेन कर्मणा |
परापवादससेभ्यो गां चरन्तीं निवारय ||


If you want to make this world obidient just by doing one thing, then chase off the cow (the toungue) grazing the field of grains (of blaming, cursing others) Do not curse, criticize others.


गुरूशुश्रूषया विद्या पुष्कलेन धनेन वा |
अथवा विद्यया विद्या चतुर्थो न उपलभ्यते ||

Knowledge (is acquired) by serving the teacher, or by a lot of money or by (exchange of) knowledge. A fourth (path) is not available.


यथा खनन् खनित्रेण नरो वार्यधिगच्छति तथा गुरुगतं विद्यां शुश्रूषुरधिगच्छति

Just as a person gets water after digging earth with a spade, so also a student who serves his guru gets knowledge.


यदि सन्ति गुणा: पुंसां विकसन्त्येव ते स्वयम् न हि कस्तूरिकामोद: शपथेन विभाव्यते

If a person has good qualities, they spread by themselves (others get to know about his qualities automatically, he does not have to advertise them).

(As) aroma of musk does not need an oath (it proved by itself).


यथा काष्ठं च काष्ठं च समेयातां महोदधौ |
समेत्य च व्यपेयातां तद्वद् भूतसमागम: ||


Just as two pieces of wood come together in the great ocean (by the stroke of a wave) and after coming together separate, so does the association of living beings.


यस्यास्ति वित्तं स नर:कुलीन: स पण्डित: स श्रुतवान् गुणज्ञ: |
स एव वक्ता स च दर्शनीय: , सर्वे गुणा: काञ्चनमाश्रयन्ते ||


The one who is wealthy is (considered to be) of high descent. He is the one who is (assumed to be) scholar, famous, having ability to distinguish good qualities; orator and people would want to see him. All the good qualities are (considered to be) possessed by the affluent.


यद्धात्रा निजभालपट्टलिखितं स्तोकं महद् वा धनम् तत् प्राप्नोति मरूस्थलेऽपि नितरां मेरौ ततो नाधिकम् तद्धीरो भव , वित्तवत्सु कॄपणां वॄत्तिं वॄथा मा कॄथा: कूपे पश्य पयोनिधावपि घटो गॄह्णाति तुल्यं पय: नीतिशतक

Whatever little or more wealth is written on one’s forehead; one will get it even in the desert. Will not get more even if one goes to Meru (name of a mythological mountain).

Be patient, do not show poverty to the wealthy. Look, the pot can take equal amount of water from a well or from the ocean.


नाम्भोधिरर्थितामेति सदाम्भोभिश्च पूर्यते |
आत्मा तु पात्रतां नेय: पात्रमायान्ति संपद: ||


An ocean never begs (for water), yet it is always full of water. If one makes oneself worthy, riches come to that worthy person by themselves (with their own accord).


बहीव्मपि संहितां भाषमाण: न तत्करोति भवति नर: प्रामज्ञल्त;ा: |
गोप इव गा गणयन् परेषां न भाग्यवान् श्रामण्यस्य भवति ||

धम्मपद 219

If a man, recites even a large portion of sacred text, but being heedless (negligent) does not put in to practice, he has no share in the ascetic life; He is like a cowherd who counts the cows of others (i.e. he is not the owner of the cows).


वने रणे Xात्रुजलाग्निमध्ये महार्णवे पर्वतमस्तके वा |
सुप्तं प्रमत्तं विषमस्थितं वा रक्षन्ति पुण्यानि पुरा कॄतानि ||


When one is trapped in the middle of a jungle ,in the war, in the midst of enemies, water/flood or fire, in the ocean or on the mountains; while sleeping, in unconsciousness, or in (any kind of) odd situation - The good deeds that one might have done in the past, protect oneself.


न कालो दण्डमुद्यम्य शिर: कॄन्तति कस्यचित् |
कालस्य बलमेतावत् विपरीतार्थदर्शनम् ||

महाभारत 28111

The time does not kill a person by weapons, but it destroys the thinking capability of a person and makes that person follow a wrong path - which ultimately leads to the destruction of that person. Corrupting the intellect is really the power of time!


संगच्छध्वं संवदध्वं सं वो मनांसि जानताम् |
देवा भागं यथा पूर्वे सञ्जानानामुपासते ||

Oh men! Go together harmoniously; speak together; understand each other's minds; Just as gods from ancient times, having known each other's minds did the job come to their lot, religiously, so you too act.


मध्विव मन्यते बालो यावत् पापं न पच्यते |
यदा च पच्यते पापं दु:खं चाथ निगच्छति धम्मपद 56

As long as a sin is not mature (does not get ripe) so long an ignorant person considers it sweet like honey; but when the sin ripens he has to suffer it's consiquences. (has to suffer the misery, resulting from it).


तावज्जितेन्द्रियो न स्याद् विजितान्येन्द्रिय: पुमान् |
न जयेद् रसनं यावद् जितं सर्वं जिते रसे ||

श्रीमद्भागवत 11821

A man conquering all the other senses, as long as, he does not control the organ of taste (tongue), so long he cannot be called self-controlled. He becomes self-controlled (fully) with the control of the desire for taste in food.


द्वावेव चिन्तया मुक्तौ परमानन्द आप्लुतौ |
यो विमुग्धो जडो बालो यो गुणेभ्य: परं गत: ||

भागवत 1194

There are two (persons in this world), who are free from anxiety and filled with great delight: An ignorant child, without any activity and an ascetic beyond the three Gunas (i.e. Prakrti) - i.e. who has attained god.


न तथा तप्यते विद्ध: पुमान् बाणै: सुमर्मगै: |
यथा तुदन्ति मर्मस्था ह्मसतां पुरूषेषव: ||

भागवत 11233

A man, having his body well pierced by the arrows is not pained (tormented) so much, as he suffers, when his mind is cut to the quick by shaft-like harsh words of the wicked.


न कश्चिदपि जानाति किं कस्य श्वो भविष्यति अत: श्व: करणीयानि कुर्यादद्यैव बुद्धिमान ||

Nobody knows, tomorrow what will happen to whom. Therefore, the wise, finish tomorrow’s work today itself.


वयमिह परितुष्टा वल्कलैस्त्वं दुकूलै: सम इह परितोषो निर्विशेषो विशेष: |
स तु भवति दरिद्रो यस्य तॄष्णा विशाला मनसि च परितुष्टे कोऽर्थवान को दरिद्र: ||

A yogi says to a king: “We are here (in a hermitage) content with a garment, made of barks, while you are with your silken garments. Our contentment is the same. There is no difference whatever. He, who has abundant desire, is poor. When there is contentment in the mind, who is rich and who is poor?


न ह्मम्मयानि तीर्थानि न देवा मॄच्छिलामया: |
ते पुनन्त्युरूकालेन दर्शनादेव साधव: ||

भागवत 104831

The holy places of water and idols of gods made out of stone do not purify the devotees immediately. They purify men after a long-standing adoration. But saints do so by a mere sight (as soon as devotees see them).


ब्राम्हण: सम_क् शान्तो दीनानां समुपेक्षक: |
स्त्रवते ब्रम्ह तस्यापि भिन्नभाण्डात् पयो यथा ||

भागवत 41441

If a brahmin with even (sama) attitude towards all (Samadrsti) does not act for giving relief to the weak (and opressed), it may be considered that, that brahmin has lost his Brahma lusture (energy), just like the milk(or water) streaming (or leaking) out from a pot that is leaking.


दैवमेवेह चेत् कतर्ॄ पुंस: किमिव चेष्टया |
स्नानदानासनोच्चारान् दैवमेव करिष्यति ||

This subhashita is for them who believe in luck or fortune rather than their own capabilities. It says, if luck only is doing all your work, then why do you need to do anything? Your luck will also do your day to day activities like taking bath, giving donations, sitting and talking. Moral: don’t rely on fortune or other such things, rely on your own strengths.


कार्यमण्वपि काले तु कॄतमेत्युपकारताम् |
महदप्युपकारोऽपि रिक्ततामेत्यकालत: ||

Even a very small thing done for somebody is very helpful if done at a proper time. But if one does not do it at a proper time (does it when it is not called for), then a (apparently) big favour to a person will be in vain.


यो यमर्थं प्रार्थयते यदर्थं घटतेऽपि च |
अवश्यं तदवाप्नोति न चेच्छ्रान्तो निवर्तते ||

If a person wants something, and if he makes efforts to achieve it - without getting tired - then no doubt he gets it.


यदजर््िातं प्राणहरै: परिश्रमै: मॄतस्य तद् वै विभजन्ति रिक्थिन: |
कॄतं च यद् दुष्कॄतमर्थलिप्सया तदेव दोषापहतस्य कौतुकम् ||


Whatever is earned by a person, by lethal hard work, the descendants divide it amongst themselves, when he/she dies. (However) the wrong deeds done by the sinner for gaining the wealth; accompany him/her. (He/she has to face the consequences. The sins are not inherited).


त्यजेत् क्षुधार्ता जननी स्वपुत्रं , खादेत् क्षुधार्ता भुजगी स्वमण्डम् |
बुभुक्षित: किं न करोति पापं , क्षीणा जना निष्करूणा भवन्ति ||


Starving mother might leave her own son, starving snake might eat her own eggs, What sin can a starved not do? People, who are helpless, get merciless when its a question of life and death for them.


अणुभ्यश्च महद्भ्यश्च शास्त्रेभ्य: कुशलो नर: |
सर्वत: सारमादद्यात् पुष्पेभ्य इव षट्पद: ||

A wise person should gather only important parts (gist) of knowledge from all 'shaastras' (because they are many and it is impractical to learn everything in depth) - juts as a bee gathers (only) honey from all types of flowers (and does not collect flowers).


न अन्नोदकसमं दानं न तिथिद्र्वादशीसमा |
न गायत्रया: परो मन्त्रो न मातु: परदैवतम् ||

Giving water and food is the best amoung various donations. 'dwadashi' is the most auspicious amoung all the days. 'Gayatri Mantra' is the best amoung all the 'Mantras' and mother is superior over all the Gods. ['dwadashi' - 12th day of a fortnight - In Hindu system of calendar a 'dwadashi' comes twice in a month - once in the 'shukla paksha' when moon is in the waxing phase and once in the 'krishna paksha' when moon is in the wanning phase.]


यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यन्ते रमन्ते तत्र देवता: |
यत्र एता: न पूज्यन्ते सर्वास्तत्राफला: क्रिया: ||


Where women are adored and given respect, the Gods like to stay in such places. But where women are given ill-treatment, at such places no work is successful because of absence of Gods.


वनेऽपि सिंहा मॄगमांसभक्षिणो बुभुक्षिता नैव तॄणं चरन्ति |
एवं कुलीना व्यसनाभिभूता न नीचकर्माणि समाचरन्ति ||

Lions in forest, who eat flesh of other animals - will not eat grass even if they are very hungry. Similarly, persons born in good families will not perform any misconduct even in odds. Meaning of respectable family should be taken here as a good cultured families - families with values. When a person is having a bad time, to overcome it, he may do something that is ethically wrong, e.g. a person can steal somebody else’s food if he is starving. A cultured person will die - but not do such things.


खद्योतो द्योतते तावद् यवन्नोदयते शशी |
उदिते तु सहस्रांशौ न खद्योतो न चन्द्रमा: ||

The glittering fly appears bright (or is visible) only until the absence of moon in the sky. But when the Sun rises, there is neither the glittering fly nor the moon! In absence of a true great person, a mediocre will also appear like a great person. But nobody will notice such person in presence of a truly great individual.


स्वभावं न जहात्येव साधुरापद्गतोऽपि सन् |
कर्पूर: पावकस्पॄष्ट: सौरभं लभतेतराम् ||

A good person never gives up his/her nature even when caught in a disaster. Camphor caught with fire, emits more fragrance.


चिज्ञल्त;स्य शुद्धये कर्म न तु वस्तूपलब्धये |
वस्तुसिद्धिर्विचारेण न किंचित्कर्मेकोटिभि: ||


The whole purpose of worship (Like chanting 'mantras', performing 'puja' etc.) is for purifying the mind and not for attaining the spiritual knowledge. Spiritual knowledge can only be attained by deep thinking and reading and would not be attained even if any one chants millions of 'mantras'.


श्रमेण दु:खं यत्किन्चिकार्यकालेनुभूयते |
कालेन स्मर्यमाणं तत् प्रामोद ||


While working hard we do feel a bit of sadness due to the adverse conditions. But surely in future when we think of 'that' work, it gives us the happiness and satisfaction (Of having completed the work up to the expectation). Any good and positive work to be done cannot be done without facing the hardship. At the moment of actually doing the work we may feel the heat of it! But in future the memories of it will surely give a pleasant and cool experience!


आस्ते भग आसीनस्य }ध्र्वम् तिष्ठति तिष्ठत: |
शेते निषद्यमानस्य चरति चरतो भग: ||

Fortune of a person who sits idle, also sits idle. That of who stands, also stands. That of who sleeps, also sleeps, and fortune of a person, who walks, also walks. Here, subhashitkar says that fortune does not bring any thing to life, one who Works, or puts efforts, succeeds (you can say his fortune also works for him). In other words God helps them, who help themselves.


विपदी धैर्यमथाभ्युदये क्षमा सदसि वाक्पटुता युधि विक्रम: |
यशसि चाभिरूचिर्व्यसनं श्रुतौ प्रकॄतिसिद्धमिदं हि महात्मनाम् ||

Courage in adversity, patience in prosperity, oratory in assembly, bravery in battle, full of interest in fame, attachment to knowledge; all these are naturally found in the great persons.


यावत् भ्रियेत जठरं तावत् सत्वं हि देहीनाम् |
अधिकं योभिमन्येत स स्तेनो दण्डमर्हति ||

मनुस्मॄती, महाभारत

One may claim proprietorship to as much wealth, as is required to maintain himself; but he who desires proprietorship over more than that, must be considered a thief; he deserves to be punished.


अहं च त्वं च राजेन्द्र लोकनाथौ उभावपि |
बहुव्रीहिरहं राजन् षष्ठीतत्पुरूषो भवान ||

A beggar says to the King, "O King! Both of us are Lokanathas. However, if I’m BahuvrIhi compound, you are ShaShthi TatpuruSha!" laaoknaaqa: can be analysed into a Bahuvrihi compound as laaok: naaqa: yasya sa: - he whose patrons are the people, a beggar. The same compound, analysed into Shashthi tatpurusha, would be laaoksya naaqa: - the Lord of the people, the King.


यदा न कुरूते भावं सर्वभूतेष्वमंगलम् |
समदॄष्टेस्तदा पुंस: सर्वा: सुखमया दिश: ||

श्रीमदभागवत 91515

When a man does not harbour any bad (or unauspicious) thought about any creature, to that man of uniform outlook (view) towards all, happiness is there all around (in all directions).