संस्कृत सुभाषित

सुभाषित (सु+भाषित = सुन्दर ढंग से कही गयी बात) ऐसे शब्द-समूह, वाक्य या अनुच्छेदों को कहते हैं जिसमें कोई बात सुन्दर ढंग से या बुद्धिमत्तापूर्ण तरीके से कही गयी हो। सुवचन, सूक्ति, अनमोल वचन, आदि शब्द भी इसके लिये प्रयुक्त होते हैं।

संस्कृत सुभाषित - भाग १७

५१) अज्ञानिन

अभिमानवतां पुंसाम् आत्मसारमजानता।
अन्धानामिव दृश्यन्ते पतनान्ता: प्रवृत्तय:॥

The results of the activities of persons, who are full and ignorant of their own limitations, are seen only fall like blind men.

५२) विवेकयुक्त

अभिमानवतां ब्रह्मन् युक्तायुक्तविवेकिनाम्।
युज्यतेऽवश्यभोग्यानां दु:खानामप्रकाशनम्॥

For people who have self-respect and know how to distinguish between proper and improper, it does not seem right to expose misfortunes, which must needs be borne.

५३) अज्ञानम्

अज्ञानमिह निदानं प्राग्रूप जननमेव भवरोगे।
परिपाक: संसारिणं भैषज्यं नैष्ठिकी शान्ति:॥

For the disease of worldly life the primary cause is ajnana, its previous symptom is birth (in this world) Mundane existence is its development. The remedy is perpetual tranquility.

५४) अरसिक

साहित्यसंगीतकलाविहीन: साक्षात्पशु: पुच्छविषाणहीन:।
तृणं न खादन्नपि जीवमानस्तद्भागधेयं परमं पशूनां॥

Those who are devoid of Literature, Music and Art, are veritable animals without tails and horns. It is the great good luck of other beasts that they do not graze grass, and still survives.

५५) तेजस्वी

यदचेतनोऽपि पादै: स्पृष्ट: प्रज्वलति सवितुरिनकान्त:।
तत्तेजस्वी पुरुष: परकृतविकृतिं कथं सहते॥

When even an inanimate object like jasper becomes hot with the touch of sun beams, then how can a brilliant man brook any affront from others?

५६) सुखम् - दु

अत्यायासेन नात्मानं कुर्यादतिसमुच्छ्रयम्।
पातो यथा हि दु:खाय नोच्छ्राय: सुखकृतस्तथा॥

One should not go up too high by excessive exertions; elevation is not so conducive of happiness as is a fall (from a high position) conducive of misery.

५७) मूढ

लभेत सिकतासु तैलमपि यत्नत: पीडयन् पिबेच्च मृगतृष्णिकासु सलिलं पिपासार्दित:।
कदाचिदपि पर्यटञ्शशविषाणामासादये- न्न तु प्रतिनिविष्टमूर्खजनचित्तमाराधयेत्॥

One can, perhaps, extract oil by squeezing sand; a man may be able to quench his thirst by drinking water from a mirage; during travel one may even find the horns of a hare; but it is impossible to please a conceited fool.

५८) सज्जना

प्रारभ्यते न खलु विघ्नभयेन नीचै: प्रारभ्य विघ्नविहतां विरमन्ति मध्या:।
विघ्नै: पुन: पुनरपि प्रतिहन्यमाना: प्रारभ्य चोत्तमजना न परित्यजन्ति॥

Basemen do not undertake any work apprehending obstacle. Mediocres make a start, but cease working when they encounter hindrances. The men of excellence, however, after commencing a job do not give up despite recurrence of impediments.

५९) अकीर्ति

अकीर्तिर्यस्य गीयेत लोके भूतस्य कस्यचित्।
पतत्येवाधमाँल्लोकान् यावच्छब्द: प्रकीत्र्यते॥

Whoever it may be, if his ill fame be current in the world, he falls to a lower state, so long as the defamatory rumours exist.

६०) क्षणिकत्वम्

अनारतं प्रतिदिशं प्रतिदेशं जले स्थले।
जायन्ते च म्रियन्ते च बुद्बुदा इव वारिणि॥

Incessantly, in every quarter, in every country, in water, on earth are (beings) born and dying like bubbles in water.

६१) अर्थ
- अनर्थ:

अनर्थाश्चार्थरूपेण अर्थाश्चनर्थरूपत:।
अर्थायैव हि केषांचिद् धननाशो भवत्युत॥

Loss appears in the form of profit; and profit in the form of loss; therefore loss of property proves to be for some a profit.

६२) भाग्य
- निर्भाग्य:

अदृष्टपूर्वा बहव: सहाया: सर्वे पदस्थस्य भवन्ति वश्या:।
अर्थाद्विहीनस्य पदच्युतस्य भवन्ति काले स्वजनोऽपि शत्रु:॥

When a man is powerful and prosperous, friends gather around him and (come to him) from all directions; (but) if he is out of office and (lost his) fortune, they turn their backs on him, as foes in time of calamity.

६३) निर्भाग्य

अथवा नश्यति प्रज्ञा प्राज्ञस्यापि नरस्य हि।
प्रतिकूले गते दैवे विनाशे समुपस्थिते॥

When fate is unfavourable and destruction is near at hand, the intelligence of even a wise man perishes.

६४) सुखी

अकिंचनस्य दान्तस्य शान्तस्य समचेतस:।
मया संतुष्टमानस: सर्वा: सुखमया दिशा:॥

The whole world is full of happiness to a humble one, whose passions are curbed, who is self-controlled, even-tempered and who is self-controlled, even-tempered and who is always satisfied.

६५) निर्धन

अतो गरीय: किं नु स्याद् अशर्म नरकेष्वपि।
यत् प्रियस्य प्रियं कर्तुम् अधमेन न शक्यते॥

What greater misfortune can there be even in hell than to (have) a worthless person who is (willfully) unable to do a good deed for a friend?

६६) मूढ

अज्ञानवरषण्डेन प्रसुप्तो नरगद्र्दभ: क: समर्थ: प्रबीद्धुं तं ज्ञानभेरीशतैरपि॥

Who is capable of arousing, even with hundreds of drums of knowledge, that ass of a man who is asleep with an eunuch of ignorance?

६७) शेषस्य महत्वम्

अनेके फणिन: सन्ति भेकभक्षणतत्परा:।
एक एव हि शेषोऽयं धरणीधरणक्षम:॥

There are many snakes intent (solely) on eating frogs; just this one serpent (is) capable of bearing the earth.

६८) धीरा

अन्यथा शास्त्रगर्भिण्या धिया धीरोऽर्थमीहते।
स्वामीव प्राक्तनं कर्म विदधाति तदन्यथा॥

Courageous, cultivated minds their fate would supervise; but linked causation masters them and makes it otherwise.

६९) शोच्यता

अनर्थितर्पणं वित्तं चित्तमध्यानदर्पणम्।
अतीर्थसर्पणं देहं पर्यन्ते शोच्यतां व्रजेत्॥

Wealth which does not help the needy, and a mind which is proud without meditation and a body which moves not towards a holy place (in pilgrimage) come to grief at the end.

७०) शिक्षका

श्लिष्टा क्रिया कस्यचिदात्मसंस्था सङ्क्रान्तिरन्यस्य विशेषयुक्ता।
यस्योभयं साधु सशिक्षकाणां धुरि प्रतिष्ठापयितव्य एव॥

Some exhibit acting very well in their own person; while others show greater skill in imparting (that art) to another; he who excels in both these qualities deserves a pre-eminent place among teachers.

७१) सज्जना

अकुर्वन्तोऽपि पापानि शुचय: पापसंश्रयात्।
परपापैर्विनश्यन्ति मत्स्या नागह्रदे यथा॥

Innocent persons, though they may not commit any sinful acts, are punished as a consequence of their mere association with evil-doers. Even so the fishes in a serpent-pond are destroyed by the snake destroyers along with the snakes.

७२) दुस्सङ्ग

असज्जनेन संपर्काद् अनयं यान्ति साधव:।
मधुरं शीतलं तोयं पावकं प्राप्य तप्यते॥

Even good people get themselves corrupted by their close association with the undesirable. Water which is sweet and cool becomes hot associated with fire.

७३) धार्मिक
- अधार्मिक:

स जीवति गुणो यस्य यस्य धर्म: स जीवति।
गुणधर्मविहीनस्य जीवितं निष्प्रयोजनम्॥

Lives he who strives For merit and good deeds; Without merits and good deeds, Life is useless, indeed.

७४) अर्थ

अर्थो नाम जनानां जीवितमखिलक्रियाकलापश्च।
तमपि हरन्त्यतिधूर्ता: छगलगला गायना लोके॥

Gold is the life and all the business of life for men, yet in this world our singers with their goat-like bleats are clever enough to steal it away.

७५) सज्जना

असतोऽपि भवति गुणवान् सद्भ्योऽपि परं भवन्त्यसद्वृत्ता:।
पङ्कादुदेति कमलं क्रिमय: कमलादपि भवन्ति॥

A virtuous person may spring even from a bad source and one of bad conduct even from the virtuous. The (beautiful) lotus springs from (dirty) mud, but worms are seen to spring even from a lotus.